Silverstone Fields Farm, Silverstone, Northamptonshire, NN12 8FS
Mon-Fri: 07:00 - 17:00 / Saturday: 07:30-11:30
19 Jul 2024
Safety considerations for building timber structures

Essential Safety Tips for Constructing Timber Structures in Your Garden

Building timber structures in your garden can add charm, functionality, and value to your outdoor space. Whether you’re planning a cosy gazebo, a sturdy shed, or an elegant pergola, timber offers versatility and natural beauty. However, it’s crucial to prioritise safety when undertaking such projects. 

Planning and Design

Initial Planning and Site Assessment

Step 1: Site Survey and Documentation

  • Measure and map out your garden area
  • Note existing features (trees, structures, utilities)
  • Take photographs for reference
  • Check property boundaries to ensure compliance

Step 2: Soil Analysis

  • Assess soil type (clay, sand, loam, etc.)
  • Test soil drainage by digging a hole and filling it with water
  • Check for soil stability and potential erosion issues
  • Consider professional soil testing if in doubt

Step 3: Topography and Drainage Evaluation

  • Identify any slopes or uneven areas
  • Determine natural water flow patterns
  • Plan for proper drainage away from the structure
  • Consider the need for land levelling or terracing

Step 4: Utilities and Obstacles Assessment

  • Locate underground utilities (call local services for guidance)
  • Identify overhead power lines or other obstructions
  • Plan for safe distances from existing structures
  • Consider access for construction and future maintenance

Step 5: Legal and Environmental Considerations

  • Check local building codes and zoning regulations
  • Determine if planning permission is required
  • Assess potential environmental impacts
  • Consider sun exposure and wind patterns for optimal placement

Safety considerations for building timber structures

Choosing the Right Timber

Selecting appropriate timber is fundamental to the safety and durability of your structure.


Timber Type Best For Characteristics Safety Considerations
Pressure-Treated Pine – Decking. – Fence posts. – General framing – Affordable. – Resistant to decay and insects – Ensure proper ventilation. – Use appropriate fasteners to prevent corrosion
Cedar – Pergolas. – Arbores. – Decorative elements – Naturally resistant to decay. – Aromatic. – Attractive appearance – Check for splinters. – May require periodic sealing for longevity
Redwood – High-end decking. – Outdoor furniture. – Exposed beams – Naturally resistant to decay and insects. – Stable and less prone to warping – Higher cost may impact project budget. – Ensure sustainable sourcing
Oak – Heavy-duty structures. – Load-bearing elements – Extremely durable. – High strength-to-weight ratio – Prone to splitting; pre-drill holes. – May require specialised tools due to hardness
Larch – Cladding. – Decking. – Outdoor structures – Naturally durable. – Attractive grain – Can be slippery when wet; consider anti-slip treatments for decking
Treated Softwoods – General construction. – Framing. – Utility structures – Cost-effective. – Widely available – Ensure treatment is suitable for ground contact if necessary. – Use appropriate protective gear when cutting


What all to keep in mind? 

Structural Integrity

  1. Ensuring Stability and Strength

One of the most critical safety considerations for building timber structures is ensuring structural integrity. Design your structure with stability in mind, considering factors like wind load and weight distribution. Use appropriate joinery techniques and reinforce critical points with metal brackets or connectors. The right fasteners and connectors play a vital role in the overall strength of your structure, so choose corrosion-resistant options suitable for outdoor use.

  1. Load-Bearing Considerations

Understanding load-bearing requirements is essential, especially for structures like decks or elevated platforms. Calculate the expected load, including the weight of the structure itself, furniture, and occupants. Ensure your foundation and support beams are adequately sized to handle the load. When in doubt, consult a structural engineer to verify your design meets safety standards.

  1. Safety During Construction

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Safety should be your top priority during the construction phase. Always wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when working on your timber structure. This includes safety glasses to protect your eyes from sawdust and debris, sturdy gloves to prevent splinters and cuts, and steel-toed boots to safeguard your feet from falling objects. A hard hat is also recommended, especially when working on taller structures.

Safe Use of Tools and Equipment: Familiarise yourself with the proper use of both hand and power tools. Keep all tools in good condition and use them as intended. When using power tools, ensure they’re properly grounded and use circuit breakers to prevent electrical hazards. Always follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines and wear appropriate PPE when operating machinery.

  1. Weather Considerations

Working in Different Weather Conditions: UK weather can be unpredictable, so it’s important to consider safety in various conditions. Avoid working in heavy rain or strong winds, as wet timber can be slippery and wind can make it difficult to control materials. If you must work in damp conditions, use non-slip footwear and ensure your work area is as dry as possible. Protect your timber from excessive moisture during construction to prevent warping or swelling.

  1. Fire Safety

Fire-Resistant Treatments: Fire safety is a crucial aspect of timber construction safety tips. Consider applying fire-resistant treatments to your timber, especially for structures close to your home. These treatments can significantly slow the spread of fire, providing valuable time in an emergency. There are various fire-retardant coatings and impregnation treatments available; consult with your timber supplier to find the most suitable option for your project.

Fire Safety Regulations in the UK

The key UK fire safety regulations relevant to timber structures in gardens are:

Building Regulations Part B: Fire Safety

  • Part B of the Building Regulations in England and Wales covers fire safety requirements for all buildings, including non-habitable structures like garden buildings.
  • The regulations aim to ensure adequate fire escape routes, prevent fire spread, and provide access for firefighters.
  • While the strictest requirements apply to habitable buildings, the regulations still have implications for timber structures in gardens.

BS EN 13501-5 for Roofs and Roof Coverings

  • This European standard provides fire performance classifications for roofs, including those on garden structures.
  • Roofs must meet at least a ‘BROOF(t4)’ classification, which requires non-combustible or fire-retardant materials.

Timber Treatment and Fire Resistance

  • Untreated timber is often rated as having a ‘medium’ contribution to fire, but can be upgraded to ‘minor’ or ‘limited’ contribution through fire-retardant treatments.
  • Applying fire-retardant coatings or pressure-treating the timber can significantly improve its fire resistance for use in garden structures.

While garden structures face less stringent requirements than habitable buildings, it is still important to:

  1. Use fire-resistant or fire-treated timber to reduce the flammability of the structure.
  2. Ensure the roof and any other combustible elements meet the minimum ‘BROOF(t4)’ fire performance classification.
  3. Adhere to the general principles of Building Regulations Part B to prevent fire spread and provide adequate access for firefighters.


UK Regulations and Compliance

Building Regulations and Planning Permission

When building garden structures, it’s essential to comply with UK regulations. Most garden structures fall under ‘permitted development‘ and don’t require planning permission, but there are exceptions. Structures exceeding certain heights or located close to property boundaries may require approval. Check with your local planning authority to ensure your project complies with current regulations.

Environmental Considerations

Consider the environmental impact of your timber structure. UK regulations increasingly focus on sustainability in construction. Choose timber from certified sustainable sources and consider the lifecycle of your structure. Linnell Bros offers a range of responsibly sourced timber products that meet both safety and environmental standards.

Maintenance and Long-Term Safety

  1. Regular Inspection and Maintenance

To ensure the long-term safety of your timber structure, regular maintenance is crucial. Inspect your structure periodically for signs of wear, damage, or decay. Pay special attention to load-bearing elements, joints, and areas exposed to moisture. Address any issues promptly to prevent small problems from becoming safety hazards.

  1. Protecting Against Pests and Rot

Protect your timber structure from pests and rot to maintain its integrity. Use appropriate treatments and finishes to guard against insects and fungal decay. Ensure good ventilation in your structure to prevent moisture buildup, and consider using a water-repellent sealant to protect against rain and damp.

Building a timber structure in your garden can be a rewarding project, but safety should always be your top priority. By following these garden construction best practices and adhering to timber building regulations UK, you can create a beautiful, durable, and safe addition to your outdoor space. Remember to plan carefully, use high-quality materials, prioritise structural integrity, and maintain your structure regularly.

Safety considerations for building timber structures

Choose Linnell Bros today!

Ready to bring your garden vision to life safely and beautifully? Look no further than Linnell Bros for all your timber needs. With our extensive collection of high-quality, sustainably sourced timber and expert knowledge on safety considerations for building timber structures, we’re your ideal partner for any garden project. From treated softwoods to premium hardwoods, we have the perfect materials  and services for your decking, pergola, or shed. Our team is ready to offer personalised advice on selecting the right timber and building garden structures safely. Don’t compromise on quality or safety – contact Linnell Bros today. 

02 Jul 2024
timber for outdoor use

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Timber for Outdoor Use

When embarking on an outdoor project, selecting the right timber for outdoor use is crucial for ensuring longevity, aesthetics, and environmental sustainability. Whether you’re building a deck, crafting garden furniture, or constructing a fence, the type of wood you choose can significantly impact the success of your project. 


timber for outdoor use

Factors to Consider When Choosing Timber for Outdoor Use


Before diving into specific wood types, it’s essential to understand the key factors that influence the performance of timber for outdoor use

  1. Durability: The ability to withstand environmental stressors such as moisture, UV radiation, and temperature fluctuations.
  2. Resistance to weather and pests: How well the timber fends off decay, fungi, and insect infestations.
  3. Maintenance requirements: The level of care needed to preserve the wood’s appearance and structural integrity.
  4. Aesthetic appeal: The natural beauty and character of the timber that enhances your outdoor space.


Types of Timber for Outdoor Use


Hardwoods are renowned for their density, strength, and natural resistance to decay. They are often the go-to choice for high-end outdoor projects.


  1. Teak: Prized for its high oil content, teak is exceptionally durable outdoor wood. It resists rot, fungi, and pests without chemical treatments. While expensive, its golden-brown hue and minimal maintenance make it ideal for outdoor furniture and decking.
  2. Ipe: This Brazilian hardwood boasts impressive density and natural oils that contribute to its longevity. Ipe is one of the best outdoor timber options for decking and boardwalks, though its hardness can make it challenging to work with.
  3. Oak: Known for its strength and distinctive grain, oak offers good weather resistance when properly sealed. It’s suitable for sturdy outdoor structures but requires regular maintenance to prevent splitting or warping.



Softwoods, derived from coniferous trees, are generally more affordable and easier to work with than hardwoods.


  1. Cedar: With its natural oils and pleasant aroma, cedar is naturally resistant to decay and insects. It’s lightweight, making it easy to handle for projects like fencing, sheds, and outdoor furniture.
  2. Redwood: Similar to cedar, redwood contains tannins that provide natural protection against decay. Its rich colour and straight grain make it attractive for decks and outdoor living spaces.
  3. Pine: When pressure-treated, pine becomes a cost-effective option for outdoor use. It’s widely available and suitable for structural applications like framing and posts.


Pressure-Treated Timber

Pressure-treated timber involves infusing wood (often pine or fir) with chemical preservatives under high pressure. This process enhances the wood’s resistance to rot, fungi, and insects, significantly extending its lifespan. While effective, it’s important to choose eco-friendly treatments and handle the wood with care due to the chemicals used.


Composite Timber Alternatives

Composite timbers are engineered products made from a mixture of wood fibres and recycled plastics. They offer several advantages:

–  High durability with minimal maintenance

– Resistance to splitting, warping, and fading

– Available in various colours and finishes

However, they may lack the natural warmth and character of real wood and can be more expensive initially. When comparing hardwood vs. softwood for outdoor projects, composites often bridge the gap by offering the best of both worlds in terms of performance.


Sustainability and Environmental Impact

In today’s eco-conscious world, choosing sustainable timber for outdoor use is increasingly important. Look for wood certified by organisations, these certifications ensure that the timber comes from responsibly managed forests, supporting biodiversity and fair labour practices.

Comparative Analysis of Different Timbers

To help you make an informed decision, let’s compare the key aspects of various timber for outdoor use options:

  1. Durability and Longevity:

   – Hardwoods (Teak, Ipe) > Pressure-Treated Softwoods > Untreated Softwoods

   – Composite timbers rival hardwoods in this aspect.


  1. Cost:

   – Untreated Softwoods < Pressure-Treated Softwoods < Hardwoods

   – Composite timbers have a higher upfront cost but lower long-term expenses due to reduced maintenance.


  1. Maintenance:

   – Hardwoods and composite timbers require the least maintenance.

   – Softwoods need regular treatments (staining, sealing) to maintain their appearance and durability.


Choosing the right timber for outdoor use involves balancing durability, aesthetics, budget, and environmental considerations. For high-end, long-lasting projects where budget allows, hardwoods like teak or ipe are excellent choices. Pressure-treated timber offers a more affordable option with good durability, suitable for structural elements. Cedar and redwood provide natural beauty and moderate durability for mid-range projects.

Composite timbers shine in low-maintenance, high-traffic areas, while also being a sustainable choice. Ultimately, the best outdoor timber for your project depends on your specific requirements and values. By considering the factors outlined in this guide and perhaps combining different materials strategically, you can create stunning, durable, and eco-friendly outdoor spaces that stand the test of time.

Remember, whichever timber you choose, proper design, construction, and maintenance are key to maximizing its lifespan and beauty. Consult with local suppliers and professionals to ensure you’re selecting the best materials for your climate and intended use. With the right choice, your outdoor project will not only enhance your living space but also provide lasting enjoyment for years to come.

timber for outdoor use

Choose Linnell Bros today!

Discover the versatility of PAR timber at Linnell Bros, your trusted source for high-quality wood products. Our Planed All Round (PAR) timber is precision-milled for smooth surfaces and consistent dimensions, making it ideal for a wide range of indoor and outdoor projects. Whether you’re crafting furniture, building shelves, or adding architectural details, PAR timber offers the perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics. Don’t settle for less when it comes to your woodworking needs. Visit Linnell Bros today to explore our extensive selection of PAR timber and let our knowledgeable team guide you toward the right choice for your project. Contact us now for expert advice and competitive pricing!

30 May 2024
Wooden Sleepers in Landscape Design

Creative Uses of Wooden Sleepers in Landscape Design

When it comes to landscape design, wooden sleepers have emerged as a versatile and creative material that can transform outdoor spaces into captivating havens. These sturdy, rectangular beams were originally used as supports for railway tracks, but their rugged charm and durability have made them a popular choice among homeowners, garden enthusiasts, and landscape designers alike.

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29 Apr 2024

Maintaining Your Timber Deck: Seasonal Care Tips

Introduction to Timber Deck Maintenance

Timber decking is a beautiful and versatile addition to any outdoor space, but it requires regular maintenance to keep it looking its best and to ensure its longevity. Different seasons can have a significant impact on wood, so it’s essential to adapt your maintenance routine to the changing seasons. In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of seasonal maintenance for timber decking, emphasising the importance of regular care and the benefits it brings in terms of longevity and aesthetics.

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26 Mar 2024
wood timber

A Beginner’s Guide to Installing Timber Fencing

When it comes to installing timber fencing, you’re not just putting up a barrier. You’re creating a beautiful boundary that adds charm and security to your property. This beginner’s guide will help you through the process of setting up your timber fence, making it a straightforward and rewarding project. Enhancing your property with the natural beauty of timber fencing is a rewarding endeavour. By following this beginner’s guide to installing timber fencing, you can create a functional and aesthetically pleasing boundary that adds value and character to your space. Get ready to transform your property with the timeless elegance of timber fencing.

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28 Jan 2024
Linnell Bros Composite Prime HD Deck

Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Garden Decking Material

Gardens tend to add a wonderful aesthetic to the overall visual appeal of the house. Some people are extremely passionate about gardening, so much so that they create entire kitchen gardens. Some tend to do it for the extra oxygen while others just for the joy of doing it. Needless to say, the outcome of the process is extremely beautiful, however the process is tedious. People passionate about gardening tend to go to great lengths to make sure their plants are safe and well looked after. This means that they need to make a lot of tough choices, from fertilizers to layouts, designs and so on. But one of the toughest ones remains to be the garden decking material. 

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20 Dec 2023
Linnell Bros Timber for fence

Reasons to Have a Timber Fence

When it comes to fencing options, the timeless aspects of timber stand out, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty and practical utility. In this blog, we’ll explore seven compelling reasons why investing in a timber fence could be the best decision for enhancing your property.

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27 Nov 2023

7 Tips to Protect Your Deck from Termite Infestation

How To Protect A Timber Deck From Termites?

Your deck is an essential part of your outdoor living space, but it’s not immune to the threat of termite infestations. Termites can silently wreak havoc on your deck’s structural integrity, leading to costly repairs. We’ll help you understand the risks, identify signs of termite damage, and provide seven essential tips to protect your deck from termite infestation.

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02 Oct 2023
Garden sleepers

Top 7 Ideas for Using Sleepers in Your Garden

When it comes to garden landscaping, sleepers can be your secret weapon. These versatile wooden elements offer a world of creative possibilities to transform your outdoor space. Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast, a DIY gardener, or simply looking to enhance your garden’s aesthetics, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore the top seven ideas for using sleepers in your garden, from raised garden beds to decorative accents. Let’s dive in!

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29 Sep 2023
Broken fence that needs replacing

Signs You Need a New Wooden Fence: When to Replace Your Fence?

As a homeowner or property manager, your wooden fence serves as more than just a boundary marker; it’s an essential part of your property’s aesthetics, security, and functionality. Over time, even the most well-maintained wooden fences can show signs of wear and tear. The question is, when is it time to replace your wooden fence? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key indicators that suggest it’s time to invest in a new wooden fence. Discover how recognizing these signs can enhance safety and aesthetics while adding value to your property.

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31 Aug 2023
Linnell Bros Closeboard Fencing

How to Install Closeboard Fencing: A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to enhancing your property’s privacy and security, closeboard fencing is a popular and practical option. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing closeboard fencing, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to complete the project successfully. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a homeowner eager to take on a new challenge, follow these instructions to create a study and professional-looking close board fence for your property.

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31 Jul 2023
Installing Composite decking

Benefits of Having Composite Decking

Over the past few years composite decking has become a huge hit in any landscaping task. It looks amazing, is really flexible with design and has a whole host of practical benefits too. 

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30 Jun 2023
Stacks of timber supplies

Why is Timber the Best Building Material?

Choosing the right building material is crucial for any construction project, as it will determine the durability, energy efficiency, and overall sustainability of the structure. When it comes to choosing a suitable material, timber stands out as one of the best choices. Timber has been used for centuries in construction, and its popularity is still growing, but with so many other options, why choose timber suppliesRead more

30 May 2023
Wet and dirty composite decking with leaves and some dirt

How to Clean Dirty Composite Decking?

Composite decking is a popular choice for homeowners because of its durability, low maintenance, and clean aesthetic appeal. Made from a combination of wood fibres and recycled plastic, composite decking has several advantages over traditional wood decking, including resistance to rot, insects and warping, but like any outdoor surface, it will get dirty over time. Read more

28 Apr 2023
Dark bespoke wooden gates

The Advantage of Having Bespoke Wooden Gates

Wooden gates are a great way to add both beauty and security to your home. They can be used to enclose your garden, driveway, or patio, and they can be customised to fit your specific needs. If you’re considering getting wooden gates, let’s take a look at the many benefits of choosing bespoke gates for your home.Read more

31 Mar 2023
white horse in a paddock with white wooden fence

Guide to Farm Fencing – Which is Best?

When it comes to choosing the best farm fencing, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The right fence for your farm will depend on numerous factors.


In this guide, we’ll discuss these factors in more detail to help you make an informed decision on the best fencing option for your farm. Whether you’re looking for cost-effective fence panels or maximum security for your livestock, we’ve got you covered.

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28 Feb 2023
Painting the fence

How to Best Maintain a Wooden Fence?

Wood is still the go-to material when it comes to fencing, but in order for your fences to last, they will require some maintenance. To ensure your wooden fence is looking its best and lasts for as long as possible, we recommend completing regular maintenance on your fence at least once a year. Depending on the type of wood and weather conditions where you live though, you may need to do more frequent maintenance.


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30 Jan 2023
Furnished outdoor terrace with composite decking boards

Pros & Cons of Having Composite Decking

When planning how to create the perfect outdoor space, decking is often one of the first things people consider. With composite decking, it’s easy to achieve a stunning oasis in your garden that won’t require regular maintenance. The blend of wood fibre and plastic makes composite decking boards durable, low-maintenance and slip-resistant. But it’s important to understand the pros and cons of composite decking before you decide on this option for your home.


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19 Dec 2022
New timber fencing at garden of house

The Top Benefits of Timber Fencing

Timber fencing has been a popular choice for homeowners looking to protect their property and enhance its aesthetic appeal. It can provide an extra layer of security, as well as a stylish visual element that complements the existing landscaping and architecture of the area. With its natural appearance and long-lasting durability, timber fencing is a great option for anyone looking to make their home more secure and attractive.

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30 Nov 2022
Protecting Decking with Decking Oil

Top Tips To Protect Your Decking From Termites

There is nothing worse for your wooden decking than the realisation that you have a termite infestation! The addition of outside decking can add curb appeal to your property, increasing its value, not only this, but it can improve the way you feel about your home and provide a wonderful space for entertaining guests, and relaxing during a warm summer’s evening. Unfortunately, termites can ruin all of these possibilities once they start eating away at the wood.

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08 Oct 2022
A garden fence surrounding garden

What Type of Garden Fence is Best For Your Garden?

From your idyllic picket fence to a more functional security feature, there are more considerations when choosing your fence than you might originally think when picking the right design. You need to consider certain requirements such as how high the fence needs to be, what its function is and what style suits your garden best. 

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17 Jul 2022
Linnell Bros Mill

More about our Mill

What we can do

Our Mill and Treatment facilities are the two hearts of our business and what make it such a success. They enable us to produce and manufacture a range of timber supplies from standard blanks, quickly and to individual specification.

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26 May 2022
Linnell Bros Garden Furniture

Get your garden Jubilee ready ??

Garden Furniture for the Jubilee

Ensure your garden is ready for outdoor entertaining this Jubilee weekend. We stock a selection of versatile Swedish Redwood garden furniture (which have been rigorously tested) including an A-frame picnic bench, classic bench and round table and bench seat. All our sustainably sourced and pre-treated in green.

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27 Apr 2022
Linnell Bros Decking Defined

Decking Defined

Refresh your garden ready for summer with a smart new outside area. Decking can be used to create a special space for socialising, whether by the pool or as a bridge between indoors and outdoors. It can also make productive use of under-used garden areas which are sloped or un-even.

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12 Apr 2022
James Linnell Easter Top Five

James’ Easter Top Five

Be inspired by James’ Easter Top Five and make the most of your outdoor space this bank holiday weekend, as well as ensuring that the chickens are fed!

1. Softwood Decking

One of the most popular DIY projects over the Easter weekend is installing decking in your outdoor space. Softwood decking is cost effective and exceptionally easy to install. Decking can bridge between the indoors and outdoors and can also make productive use of under-used garden areas. Please click here for stock and sizes.

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07 Mar 2022
Annie Linnell

A woman in a man’s world

For International Women’s Day, Roger’s daughter, Annie Linnell gives us an insight into joining the family business and the impact of being a woman in a male dominated industry.


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03 Mar 2022

Future-proof your garden with DuraPost fencing systems

As we look to a more sustainable future, DuraPost and other timber alternatives are becoming ever more popular. DuraPost is a complete fencing system of steel fence posts and caps, corner posts, gravel boards and capping rails, and can be used with virtually any type of fencing. It is made in the UK from engineered galvanised steel and it is 100% recyclable at end-of-life. Unlike traditional fence posts, DuraPost will not rot, warp or crack and is maintenance free.

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13 Feb 2022
Linnell Bros New Website

Our New Website

After many delays, distractions and deviations, we are proud to launch our new website showcasing Linnell Bros. We are particularly pleased with our new brand video which was masterfully shot and produced by the talented team from local business Ablinq.

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